Alberta Climbing Association

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C&D top rope Provincials rescheduled

The ACA has been hard at work to reschedule the C&D category provincial top rope competition. It was unfortunate to remove those categories from the competition at the UofA. It is important that we provide the opportunity for all our athletes to complete their season.

The C&D’s will have a standalone provincial championship at Bolder Elevated in Calgary on Saturday, June 8th 2024. We have re-opened the registration, which closes at 11:59pm on June 1st. We are grateful to Josh, Regan, and Sebastian at Bolder for hosting on short notice.

We also acknowledge that the change in location and chosen date may not work for every athlete or their family. Please accept our apologies and understand the complexities involved with the planning for this competition.

We will be creating a new event page on our website for the competition, and sharing more details as planning takes shape.

Last weekend, we live streamed the entire event from the UofA to YouTube. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. We intend to provide a similar live streaming experience for our C&D competition as well, with multiple camera angles, athlete features, and commentary. Spectators are welcome and encouraged to watch in person as well.