Thank you, and congratulations

The 2023/2024 ACA bouldering season wrapped up in spectacular fashion yesterday. Athletes from Saskatchewan, Southeastern BC, and Alberta showed us all what real talent, strength, and dedication look like at our 2 day championship event.

Thank you to Simon, Walson, and the staff at CCC Chinook for hosting. You spent a LOT of time before, during, and after the comp to keep things running smoothly, and we all appreciate it.

Thank you to Juan and his amazing crew of route setters. You worked tirelessly for days leading up to the competition, always focusing on how to give our youth the best on wall experience possible.

Thank you to ALL of the people who volunteered to help this weekend. We had over 140 volunteer slots, and it was truly amazing to work with you all. We can’t run these competitions without your help, so thank you.

Finally, thank you to the athletes and the coaches. You have worked so hard all season and that was on full display this weekend.


Volunteer for CEC Youth Regionals


Isolation update for finals - provincial bouldering