Alberta Climbing Association

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Thank you for a great comp at Trailhead

We capped off the regular ACA season with a wonderful youth local bouldering comp at Trailhead Climbing in Red Deer yesterday. Like every competition, we couldn’t have done it without a LOT of help. Thanks to Brian Olstad for volunteering as the Head Judge. Brian is very active in the climbing community, and it was amazing to have his help.

Thank you to Kurtis and the staff at Trailhead for hosting an amazing competition.

Thank you to Juan and the route setting crew.

Thank you to dozens of people who volunteered to help. We had a lot of first time volunteers, including some of our youth athletes starting to get into judging, which is simply amazing.

Thank you and congratulations to ALL of our athletes. You crushed it, did your best, and put on a good show yesterday. You and your coaches are putting in HARD WORK all season and we couldn’t be more proud of your progress. Keep it up and bring that intensity to provincials!

And on a more personal note, I want to sincerely thank Mark Kozak, our ACA president, for mentoring and supporting me as the Jury President at this comp.

- Jeremy Fidelack