Thank you - Top Rope Provincials

We were finally able to showcase our C & D athletes at our provincial top rope competition over the weekend! This event was split out and moved from the UofA to Bolder Elevated in Calgary.

The ACA wants to extend our sincere appreciation to Josh, Regan, Sebastian, and everyone from Bolder Elevated that helped host this event. Alberta’s newest climbing gym is proving to be a favorite among athletes and coaches. Bolder stepped up HUGE and gave our athletes an exceptional championship competition.

Thank you to Matty, Pedro, Zach, and Josh for creating an amazing set for our athletes. Nothing but praise for the creative and challenging problems.

Thank you to all of the volunteers that helped us. We can’t run these competitions without you. We have the most engaged volunteer group in all of Canada, and it shows on the floor of every competition we host. Special thanks to Starr Tze, Nolan Archer, and Daniel Komori who stepped up as officials for this competition.

Last but certainly not least, thank you to the athletes and their coaches for putting your season’s worth of hard training on the line! You’ve all worked so hard and it showed. Some of you exceeded your expectations; some of you hoped to do better. No matter what the results show, know that you tried your best and should be as proud as we are of you!

Don’t forget that the event was live-streamed and stored on the ACA Youtube channel.

Enjoy the off-season.


Reminder: AGM on Thursday June 27


Volunteer spots still available: top rope provincials