
Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Volunteers needed: 2024 Top Rope Provincials

The 2024 Top Rope Provincials are being planned for June 8th at Bolder Elevated in Calgary, and our C & D athletes need your help! We’ll need judges, top rope belayers, scorekeepers, athlete coordinators, and more. Sign up here if you are able to help. You will be fully supported by our team of experienced officials.

ACA athletes in our B, A, and Jr categories are encouraged to sign up to help our youngest athletes if possible. It’s a great opportunity to help the climbing community.

Check out the event page for details as the planning takes shape.

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

C&D top rope Provincials rescheduled

The ACA has been hard at work to reschedule the C&D category provincial top rope competition. It was unfortunate to remove those categories from the competition at the UofA. It is important that we provide the opportunity for all our athletes to complete their season.

The C&D’s will have a standalone provincial championship at Bolder Elevated in Calgary on Saturday, June 8th 2024. We have re-opened the registration, which closes at 11:59pm on June 1st. We are grateful to Josh, Regan, and Sebastian at Bolder for hosting on short notice.

We also acknowledge that the change in location and chosen date may not work for every athlete or their family. Please accept our apologies and understand the complexities involved with the planning for this competition.

We will be creating a new event page on our website for the competition, and sharing more details as planning takes shape.

Last weekend, we live streamed the entire event from the UofA to YouTube. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. We intend to provide a similar live streaming experience for our C&D competition as well, with multiple camera angles, athlete features, and commentary. Spectators are welcome and encouraged to watch in person as well.

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Thank you from the ACA: Jr, A, B, lead provincials

The 2024 ACA lead provincial championship is in the books, and we couldn’t be more proud of the performances by our athletes this season.

Thank you to the staff at the Wilson Climbing Centre at the UofA in Edmonton. We had a lot of challenges to work through in planning this competition, and are thankful for your help to accommodate.

Thank you to the dozens of volunteers that helped before, during, and after the competition. We had a lot of athlete movement coordination this time, which is especially challenging.

Thank you to Hayden and the rest of the route setting crew. The problems were challenging, and showcased the athlete talent at every level.

And last but not least, thank you to the athletes and their coaches. Your hard work throughout the season was on full display this weekend. We saw a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. Some of you did better than you hoped, and some felt you could have done better. Just remember that a single competition doesn’t fully capture a season’s worth of work. We are all incredibly proud at how much you have developed this season, and hope you share in that pride. For those moving onto CEC Nationals in Quebec, we wish you good luck representing the ACA! And we look forward to seeing most of you again next season.

We also want to thank our extended community for their patience and understanding as we worked through scheduling and format challenges at this competition. We had to compromise on a few things, such as moving C&D categories, not allowing spectators and eliminating the semifinal round. We also tried to compensate by Live Streaming the event on Youtube. In the end, rest assured that we will always put the athlete experience first.

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Sunday Provincials: Enter through the Wilson Climbing Centre

The checkin process for both rounds on Sunday (B Female Qualifier, Finals) will be to check in directly at the Wilson Climbing Centre. The Saturday groups checked in at a separate entrance of the Van Vliet Centre.

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Live streaming Lead Provincials on Youtube

We’re planning to live stream the 2024 ACA Lead Provincials on the ACA YouTube channel. It’s a difficult task to pull together, but we’re committed to sharing our athlete’s hard work. Tune in on Saturday morning to see the action.

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Lots of updates for Lead Provincials: Check the website

We’ve been furiously planning for the lead provincial competition at the UofA Wilson Climbing Centre this weekend. Check out the event page for up to date information. With reduced capacity restrictions in place, this event will be quite different for everyone involved.

We have posted the tentative schedule. There are quick turnaround times, so pay attention to your group. The B Female group qualifiers are on Sunday morning.

We have opened up volunteer registration. There are some positions on the field of play, and some that are helping within the Van Vliet Complex.

And finally, we have been working really hard to get a live streaming solution in place on short notice. We intend to stream the entire event, and will have every athlete featured. We will live stream to Youtube, and there will be a viewing area in the Van Vliet Complex as well.

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

C&D categories removed from 2024-MAY-04/05 Rope Provincials

Athletes, Parents, Coaches,

The ACA board has made the difficult decision to remove the C & D categories from the upcoming Provincial Lead competition in Edmonton on May 4th & 5th 2024.  The competition will proceed at the UofA Wilson Climbing Centre as scheduled for the Jr, A, and B categories.  We understand that this decision will cause significant disruption for several of our members.  The decision was not made lightly.  The board will be looking into planning a standalone provincial competition for the C & D categories sometime after nationals.

The challenge

The board was recently informed that the capacity limit for the Wilson Climbing Centre at the UofA would be reduced to a total of 70 people in the building at any given time.  This is a 50% reduction from the 140 person limit that was in place last season.  We had already been planning measures to accommodate for the restrictions, including: no spectators, remote viewing, and using athlete staging areas.

Our partners at the University of Alberta and the Wilson Climbing Centre have proposed the use of areas throughout the Van Vliet athletic complex to help offload capacity from the Wilson Climbing Centre.  After careful review, the ACA board decided that this proposal would significantly impede and reduce athletes’ proper preparation (physically and mentally) for the qualifier round.

The solution

In order to accommodate the number of athletes, officials, judges, belayers, coaches, coordinators, scorekeepers, setters, and UofA staff, we can only have 2 qualifier routes running at a time.  We're still finalizing the specific schedule, but we will run 1 category at a time (Jr Female, Junior Male, A Female, A Male, B Female, B Male).

There will be no semifinal round.  The top 8 athletes from qualifiers will compete in a finals round (1 route, isolation).

Athletes will be able to warm up and prepare in the Wilson Climbing Centre before their start times.  They will be asked to leave when their 2nd route is completed, in order to allow the next category to begin preparations.

There will be no spectators allowed in the Wilson Climbing Centre.  We have a remote viewing solution in place; spectators can view our camera feeds from another room in the Van Vliet complex.

Decision considerations

The board considered moving the competition to another venue.  The logistics for another gym to host on short notice were found to be untenable on such short notice.  The board also considered travel commitments,  setter travel plans, and sunk costs from the University of Alberta.

The board considered scenarios that would include C & D athletes.  These scenarios would have compromised the competition format for all athletes.  The board agreed to uphold the integrity of the competition format as a priority.

Jr, A, and B athletes have a chance to qualify for nationals through the provincial lead competition.  The board agreed that preparing Jr, A and B athletes for nationals later in May was a priority.

The board will endeavour to schedule a provincial top-rope competition for the C & D athletes for the 2023/2024 season.  The board acknowledges the importance for our C & D athletes to complete their season properly.  


  1. What about the registrations for C & D athletes?

    • We plan to keep the registrations in place for the replacement provincial competition.  The ACA incurs processing fees for both purchases and refunds; it is very expensive to refund all transactions and then process those same purchases later.

    • However, all requests for refund will be processed unconditionally.  Contact

  2. Where and when would the replacement provincial competition for C & D athletes occur?

    • There are no details for this.  The competition would be sometime after nationals.

  3. Where are the detailed schedule, volunteer sign-up, remote viewing details, etc for the May 4th & 5th competition?

    • We'll be spending a lot of time finalizing the details and sharing on our website this week.

  4. What is the ACA doing to prevent this scenario from happening again?

    • The ACA board has a competition committee in place this year.  There are a number of proposals for the 2024/2025 season that are being prepared to address this type of scenario.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.  The ACA board is entirely volunteer run, and spends countless hours working to provide the best competition experience possible for our athletes.  Feel free to reach out to us with questions or comments.


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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Volunteers needed: ACA nationals training camp

The ACA is hosting a training camp for athletes that have been invited to nationals, and we’re looking for volunteers to help. Contact if you’re interested in any of the following positions:

  • 1 Jury President

  • 1 Head Judge

  • 2 Scorekeepers

  • 12 Judges

Also, don’t forget to register if you haven’t already done that. Today is the last day!

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Volunteers needed! CEC Youth Regionals

We’re excited to be hosting the CEC West Regionals in Alberta. We’re still short of volunteers, especially judges. Athletes from western Canada are travelling to Calgary to compete, and we're hoping to give them their best competition environment.

Whether you have volunteered at an ACA event or not, your help will be very much appreciated. Alberta is represented by the largest group of athletes in the country at regionals. Let’s show the country how strong our climbing community is! You can sign up here; be sure to sign up for the west regionals. Volunteers get free food during their shift, a T Shirt, and a free day pass for every shift they work!

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

We’re looking for belayers! Lead Provincials @ UofA

ACA lead provincials are right around the corner, and we’re looking for volunteers to help support our youth athletes. Reach out to if you are interested.

Must have prior experience lead belaying in a sanctioned competition

  • Must pass a lead check at the Wilson Climbing Centre (before the competition starts)

    • We will waive the belay check fee - just email us with a time/date you expect to come in for a check

  • If you have been checked in the past 12 months at the Wilson Climbing Centre, this is not required

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Volunteers needed: CEC West Regionals

Team Alberta, we need your help! CEC youth regionals are being hosted in Calgary at Bolder Elevated, and there are still a lot of volunteer slots that need to be filled. Whether you have volunteered at an ACA event or not, your help will be very much appreciated. Alberta is represented by the largest group of athletes in the country at regionals. Let’s show the country how strong our climbing community is! You can sign up here; be sure to sign up for the west regionals. Volunteers get free food during their shift, a T Shirt, and a free day pass for every shift they work!

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Registration for Provincial Lead Championships

Don’t forget to register for the ACA provincial lead championships at UofA Wilson Centre on May 4th & 5th 2024. Register at the member portal. Details will be posted on the event page of our website. We’re excited to see all of our athletes compete in the championship!

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

2023/2024 Boulder Rankings are updated

With the provincial bouldering season now closed, we have updated the overall rankings. Check out the rankings pages on our site, or go directly to the Google drive. Thank you for your patience as we wrap up provincial bouldering, prepare for CEC regionals and nationals, and prepare for provincial lead competitions.

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Volunteer for CEC Youth Regionals

CEC Youth Regionals West are being hosted in Alberta at Bolder Elevated in Calgary! Let’s show everyone how strong our climbing community is by filling up the volunteer slots here. Make sure to pick the spots labelled “WEST”. Thank you for helping our youth athletes experience their best competition possible.

Volunteers get free food during their shift, a T Shirt, and a free day pass for every shift they work!

For questions about the volunteering opportunities, contact

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Thank you, and congratulations

The 2023/2024 ACA bouldering season wrapped up in spectacular fashion yesterday. Athletes from Saskatchewan, Southeastern BC, and Alberta showed us all what real talent, strength, and dedication look like at our 2 day championship event.

Thank you to Simon, Walson, and the staff at CCC Chinook for hosting. You spent a LOT of time before, during, and after the comp to keep things running smoothly, and we all appreciate it.

Thank you to Juan and his amazing crew of route setters. You worked tirelessly for days leading up to the competition, always focusing on how to give our youth the best on wall experience possible.

Thank you to ALL of the people who volunteered to help this weekend. We had over 140 volunteer slots, and it was truly amazing to work with you all. We can’t run these competitions without your help, so thank you.

Finally, thank you to the athletes and the coaches. You have worked so hard all season and that was on full display this weekend.

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Isolation update for finals - provincial bouldering

Attention athletes and coaches: Due to the size and complexity of bouldering provincials, you may be in isolation for up to 5 hours. Please be prepared for an extended isolation if your category starts later.

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Alberta Climbing Association Alberta Climbing Association

Qualifier videos are up

You know the competition is close when the qualifier videos get posted! Check them out here, and head over to the event page to stay up to date with the competition details for provincial bouldering. Pay attention to the schedule and startlists.

Good luck to all our athletes. We’re all really proud of you and can’t wait to see your hard work on the walls tomorrow. Get out there and crush it.

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